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Harlequin RIP 8 (HQ-RIP 8)

Harlequin RIP 8 (HQ-RIP 8)

Navigator RIP 8 (HQ-RIP 😎

As the leader in Harlequin RIP solutions, Xitron’s Navigator RIP excels in performance, reliability, and value. Powered by the latest Harlequin RIP
PostScript 3? interpreter, Navigator is fully compatible with the most popular software packages used in the graphic arts industry today. Whether your production requires throughput of PostScript, PDF, TIFF, EPS, or even PDF/X, Navigator supports you.

An easy-to-use graphical interface helps guide jobs through the RIP for output to over 250 film, CTP, and proofing devices, while optional features such as in-RIP trapping, CIP3 generation, and Simple Imposition make it a top performer in the most demanding production environments. Navigator RIPs are the pre-press foundation of small print shops, large commercial printers and multi-million dollar publishing houses around the globe.

Express RIP V.8 (HQ-RIP 8)now offers higher power, higher productivity and higher flexibility in prepress, digital printing and workflow applications than ever before. It's the one commercially available native PostScript?, native PDF and native XPS RIP for the Graphic Arts market. It can seamlessly integrate with Compose's workflow and output solution. It is developed to provide you an impressive line-up of advanced screening, trapping and colour management with increased efficiency. It's the ideal RIP engine to use across all your prepress and printing operations!

* Native support for PDF 1.7, also PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3 and PDF/X- 4
* Support XPS v.1.0
* Adobe PostScript Language Level 3 compatible
* Fully support HD photo, TIFF, JPEG & GIF files format
* In-RIP font emulation and composite font support
* Enhanced colour management system
* Seamless integration with Compose workflow and pressroom products
* Supports multiple input channels
* Compliant with the JDF 1.3 specifications
* Multiple screening options
* Support over 200 output devices
* Improved multi-threaded rendering for new Duo and Quad core technologies

1 RAR File / Size 159M

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